@cybertrash Baie geluk met jou…

Baie geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Jy kan dit hier sien: https://profiles.wordpress.org/cybertrash/

@web2pc Baie geluk met jou…


Baie geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Dit behoort binne ‘n paar minute hier sigbaar te wees: https://profiles.wordpress.org/web2pc/
Verwys asseblief na die woordelys: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/af/default/glossary/
Kontak my gerus indien jy enige vrae het / terugvoer benodig.


@eonmalherbe Geluk met jou nuwe…

Geluk met jou nuwe balkie! Dit behoort binne ‘n paar minute hier te verskyn: https://profiles.wordpress.org/eonmalherbe/

@alexclassroom It looks like you…

It looks like you accidentally submitted strings to the AF locale for SEO Search Permalink.
I am just rejecting the strings.
Please check your locale when translating.

All the best!

@trentmu Geluk met jou nuwe…

Geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Jy behoort dit binne ‘n paar minute hier te kan sien: https://profiles.wordpress.org/trentmu/

@jacqueslombaard Baie geluk met jou…

Baie geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Dit behoort binne ‘n paar minute op jou WordPress-profiel sigbaar te wees: https://profiles.wordpress.org/jacqueslombaard/

@abolfazllotfi, I notice you submitted…

I notice you submitted translated strings for WordPress Lucky Wheel.
However, it seems that you submitted it to the wrong locale.
It looks like it was an accident, so I will just be rejecting the strings and not taking any further action.
Please check which locale you are submitting to when translating.

All the best!

@kronoschaos Geluk met jou nuwe…

Geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Dit behoort binne ‘n paar minute hier te wys: https://profiles.wordpress.org/kronoschaos/

@nicolasbnt You seem to have…

You seem to have submitted strings for the incorrect locale (FullCalendar plugin).
It looks like it was an accident, so just rejecting the strings and not taking any further action.
Keep well,

@warrenfab Geluk met jou nuwe…

Geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Dit behoort binne ‘n paar minute op jou WordPress-profiel te wys: https://profiles.wordpress.org/warrenfab/