If you want to sell tickets on your website and deliver them to your customers digitally, Tickera is exactly what you need. By using Tickera plugin to sell and deliver tickets, you are essentially setting up your own hosted ticketing solution where you control the profits without any middleman fees taken by Tickera.
Tickera allows you to check in attendees easily by using integrated Barcode readers. If you want to check the tickets in on your iOS and Android devices, our powerful premium Checkinera apps will help you check the tickets in with blazing speeds and even offline! Also Checkinera web app web app is available which can turn any web browser to fully fledged check-in system.
The easy way to sell, deliver and check in tickets in WordPress.
Want to test premium version of Tickera with all add-ons? Request a demo access
These guys offer a whole different level of service… give them a go! – James Farmer
Tickera is filling a very deep and large hole in the ticket system market – Vinicius Freire, ViaMarket
I’ve compared and tried many ticket plugins and I have to say – this one is the best – Scope Themes
In my opinion Tickera is the best ticket management solution available today on WordPress – Anton Kozlov
Cannot recommend Tickera highly enough – DJ Andy Ward
Tickera plugin comes with 2Checkout payment gateway, Custom Offline Payments and Free Orders.
If you need more payment options, you can download Tickera Premium version which includes:
- Mollie (iDeal, Credit Card, Bancontact / Mister Cash, SOFORT Banking, Overbooking, Bitcoin, PayPal, paysafecard and AcceptEmail)
- PayPal Standard
- PayPal PRO
- 2Checkout
- Stripe
- Paymill
- PIN Payments
- Vogue Pay
- iPay88
- PayGate
- OptimalPayments / Netbanx payment gateway
- Braintree
- PayUMoney
- PayTabs
- White Payments
- PayU Latam
- Komoju
- Custom Offline Payments
- Free Orders.
Already running WooCommerce on your website? Take the best of both worlds! Sell tickets as WooCommerce products on your website and deliver them to your buyers using the awesomeness of this WooCommerce and Tickera fusion! Yes, it is as good as it sounds. Learn more about Bridge for WooCommerce
Sell the tickets with assigned seats! Seating Charts add-on makes it easy to create floor plans of your venue with seating groups, standing areas and points of interest. All of that using the simple and intuitive drag’n’drop interface.
Your customers will be able to purchase unlimited number of tickets from more than one event at once!
Ticket builder allows you to create ticket templates which could be selected for each ticket type. So each ticket type (Standard, VIP, etc.) may look totally different and you can achieve that easily by dragging and dropping elements, reordering, changing font sizes and colors, ticket paper size and its orientation or even put a full-background image if you want fully custom design of the ticket.
Tickera plugin is ready for white-labeling. By changing just one line of code, you’ll rename the plugin by your own or client’s preference
Do you have WordPress multisite installed with a number of subsites and clients? Awesome! Give your clients option to create their own events and sell tickets!
Purchase form includes info from each ticket owner. New hooks allows you to add new fields for buyer or ticket owners. It would be useful if you want to add, for instance, additional field where your customers may choose food preference, set their age, sex, etc. In addition, buyers are able to download tickets directly from a purchase confirmation page – no more lost emails which have to be sent manually, lost attachments or server issues which prevent tickets to reach your clients.
Check Custom Forms add-on and create beautiful forms which will fit into your theme’s design. Control order of the elements, number of columns, set required and optional fields in an easy way.
Check out Stripe Connect. Tickera add-on which will allow you to take a percentage per each sale on your WordPress multisite network.
You’ll be able to translate every possible word in a WordPress way.
Collect taxes with Tickera. Administrators can set up and manage tax rate easily!
Tickera works well and look good with almost every WordPress theme out there
Create multiple ticket types for one or more events, set ticket quantity limits (ticket quantity per purchase, available check-ins per ticket…)
Add additional fee per ticket in order to cover payment gateway, service or any other type of cost
Create unlimited number of discount codes available for all or just certain ticket type
Tickera is developer friendly. Customize any aspect of Tickera with actions and filters! Extend its functionality by creating great add-ons!
Extend Tickera with a number of add-ons.
Stuck? Check out the plugin documentation
- Freemius manages upgrades to the premium license and handles premium licensing. Privacy policy:
- TCPDF handles the rendering process of tickets, QR codes and barcodes. Privacy policy:
- Google Map API handles the rendering process of ticket template’s Google Map element. Privacy policy:
- collects customer geolocation information (e.g City, ZIP) to pre-fill checkout payment forms. Privacy policy:
- 2Checkout makes it possible to accept payments via 2Checkout payment gateway. Privacy policy:
- Tickera used for pulling the list of add-ons offered in the Add-ons area of the plugin. Privacy policy:
This plugin provides 26 blocks.
- Ticket – Add to Cart
- Tickets Sold
- Ticket – Add to Cart
- Ticket Price
- Ticket – Add to Cart
- Ticket Add to Cart
- Ticket Price
- Event – Add to Cart
- Seating Chart
- User Order History
- Event Sponsors Logo
- Event Tickets Left
- Event Logo
- Event Date
- Tickets Left
- Event Tickets Sold
- Event – Add to Cart
- Event – Add To Cart Columns
- Event – Add To Cart Values
- Event – Add to Cart
- Event – Add to Cart
- Event – Add To Cart
- Event – Add To Cart
- Event Calendar
- Event Terms & Conditions
- Event Location
To Install
- Download the Tickera plugin file
- Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive
- Upload the /tickera/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your site
- Visit your Dashboard -> Plugins and Activate it there.
To Set Up And Configure Tickera
You can find setup instructions here
Contributors & Developers
“Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing” is oopbron sagteware. Die volgende mense het bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van hierdie uitbreiding:
Contributors“Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Changelog 15/01/2025
- Remove extra spaces below the event page title.
- Order statuses string translation. Tickera > Orders.
- Discount code validation in payment summary page. A final discount code validation right after the “continue checkout” button is clicked.
- Limit Tickera > Discount Codes > “Discount Available for” select options with published ticket types only.
- Additional security measures in Order details page (frontend).
- Additional error handler in TCPDF Library.
- Duplicated ticket template element values not rendered. [Fixed]
- Clear out PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property notice at Dashboard widget “Ticketing store at a Glance”.
- “Ticketing store at a Glance” number of tickets sold discrepancy. [Fixed]
- Additional security measures in Tickera > Barcode Reader
- Ticket checkin via Tickera > Barcode Reader can be processed by admin and associated APIs user only. No privilege access will be invalidated.
- Additional error handler in payment method. 10/12/2024
- Ability to enable/disable wpautop within Tickera Custom Post Types via “tc_the_content_wpautop” filter hook. Argument(s): $content 03/12/2024
- Additional security patch for Checkin API 18/11/2024
- Unable to save “Background Placement” option in Tickera > Ticket Templates.
- Unable to render “Google Map” Ticket Template Element. [Fixed]
- Set offline payments active as default.
- Load up localization file on init hook 06/11/2024
- Additional error handler for Stripe payment method.
- New “Background Placement” option in Tickera > Ticket Templates. The option allows to render background image either in first page or across all pdf pages. 31/10/2024
- Wordfence security patch
- Additional error handler for Stripe payment method.
- Selecting “Courier” font in Ticket Template is being overridden by “Al Arabiya”. [Fixed]
= 28/10/2024=
* New “tickera_track_added_to_cart” hook. Arguments: $ticket_id, $quantity, $cart_content.
* Ticket type’s “Limit check-ins on time basis” executes regardless the status of the option. The issue occurs when the option’s limit field is set with a value (any value from 0). [Fixed]
* Ability to override order details page. Override the includes/templates/page-order.php onto the theme root directory.
* Updated Freemius to the latest SDK v2.9.0.
* Freemius SDK patched with PR:730. Patched Freemius SDK v2.9.0.1. Reference PR:
* Ability to insert custom order statuses via “tickera_order_statuses” filter hook. Argument: $order_statuses 18/10/2024
- Stripe connect add-on compatibility.
- Remove promotional notification once an affiliated theme is already active. Page: Themes page
- Ability to use other payment methods (e.g Klarna) within Stripe Checkout Session Form.
- Bridge for Woocommerce: Callback error on Network activated. [Fixed]
- Remove “Tickera” Shortcode Builder Button in Tickera > Event > “Event terms and conditions” metabox. 03/10/2024
- Uncaught Error: Class “Tickera\FS_Admin_Menu_Manager” not found. [Fixed] 01/10/2024
- Tickera > Ticket Type “Active” toggle not working. [Fixed]
- Stripe webhook fatal error. [Fixed]
- Clear out undefined function tc_wizard_get_start_screen_next_step() error appearing during installation wizard.
- Unable to render quantity selector in Event – Add to cart table. Issue occurs only when running Tickera alongside Bridge for Woocommerce. [Fixed] 16/09/2024
- Unable to complete checkout with Braintree payment method. [Fixed]
- Tickera > Events “Active” toggle not working. [Fixed]
- Custom Form Fields placeholder not properly rendered in cart/checkout pages.
- Tickera – Add to cart gutenberg block rendering issue. [Fixed] 13/09/2024
- Custom Form Fields placeholder not properly rendered in cart/checkout pages. 04/09/2024
- Critical error in the event page. [Fixed] 03/09/2024
- Implemented namespace across plugin classes.
- Additional sanitization and escaping across the plugin files.
- WordPress version 6.5+ compliance. 29/08/2024
- Fatal error on an incomplete object __PHP_Incomplete_Class. [Fixed] 27/08/2024
- Translation for cart field’s error messages
- Unable to send offline payment instruction email. [Fixed]
- Remove legacy functions.
- WordPress version 6.5+ compliance. 15/08/2024
- Fatal error occurs whenever the “Enable Webhook” option is enabled in Stripe Elements 3D Secure
- Applied TC prefix across all constant variables. 14/08/2024
- Enforce ticket download without hash via “tickera_bypass_ticket_download_hash” filter hook
- Replaced tc.pot with tickera-event-ticketing-system.pot file.
- Set an earlier load priority for ticket template elements classes. These classes serves as a dependency of any sort of custom ticket template element add-ons.
- Additional “Disable Ticket Download Hash” option at Tickera > Settings > Miscellaneous.
- WordPress version 6.5+ compliance. 01/08/2024
- Ticket template duplication: Unable to clone existing elements. The issue occurs only on cached websites. [Fixed]
- New “First name field require” and “Last name field required” options in Tickera > Settings > General.
- Apply background image across Ticket’s PDF pages.
- New ‘Enable Webhook’ option in Standard Stripe Payment Gateway.
- Unable to limit check-ins on time basis whenever the date format is set with m/d/y. [Fixed]
- Styles adjustment in cart page.
- Divi > Theme Builder > Template and Tickera Shortcode Builder compatibility.
- Adjustment on search queries to address intermittent empty results.
- More string translation across the plugin files. Applied translator to those variable strings.
- Update Freemius SDK to 2.7.3
- Updated static functions with “tickera_” prefix. Applied legacy system to those deprecated functions.
- WordPress version 6.5+ compliance. In progress… 24/07/2024
*WordPress 6.6.1 compatibility 13/07/2024
*Bug fixes 12/06/2024
- Additional admin side security measures on bulk delete tickets. Only admin accounts can execute the function. 12/06/2024
- Set namespace for TCPDF library. Addresses plugins/themes conflict.
- Allow radio button to be assigned with empty default value in cart/checkout pages.
- Ability to require radio button in cart/checkout pages.
- Staff account is unable to view/download tickets. [Fixed]
- Number field handler in cart page. 27/05/2024
- Unable to search order number in Attendees & Tickets. [Fixed]
- Ability to disable extensive search functionality in Attendees & Tickets via “tc_tickets_instances_extensive_search” filter hook. Default: true
- Ability to override Ticket Checkin API via “tc_results_before_ticket_checkin” filter hook.
- Additional “Calendar day/24hrs basis” option for “Limit Check-ins on time basis”. Tickera > Ticket Types
- Disable alphanumeric filtering in the client side cart page fields.
- Update Tickera Shortcode Builder and Beaver builder integration.
- “Attendee Order Completed Email” Notification: New DOWNLOAD_LINK that will render clickable “Download” link to download ticket.
- “Attendee Order Completed Email” Notification: Updated DOWNLOAD_URL to render raw url. It can be used as an href of an anchor tag. E.g Click here to download your ticket
- Renamed “Terms & Conditions” ticket template element to “Event Terms & Conditions”.
- Ability to insert static content onto the ticket template html via “tc_ticket_template_html” filter hook.
- Ticket Templates: Broken color picker styles. [Fixed]
- Additional “tc_additional_buyer_fields” and “tc_additional_owner_fields” shortcodes.
- Braintree 3D Secure 2 overflowed height. [Fixed]
- Stripe payment method compliance for the latest Stripe API Version.
- Additional security for Broken Access Control Vulnerability in Attendees & Tickets.
- Attendee & Tickets search functionality conflict with Elementor. [Fixed]
- Additional ‘tc_attendee_order_completed_email_subject’ filter hook. Default arguments: $subject, $ticket_id
- Dynamic ticket’s template via download_url template_id parameter. 28/03/2024
- Secure tickets download urls backward compatibility.
- Additional “tc_stripe_checkout_form_styles” filter hook to customize Stripe Elements 3D Secure form styles. 26/03/2024
- “tc_checkins_time_basis_field_name” filter hook: additional “ticket_id” argument.
- “tc_allowed_checkins_per_time_basis_field_name” filter hook: additional “ticket_id” argument.
- “tc_checkins_time_basis_type_field_name” filter hook: additional “ticket_id” argument.
- Ability to search for buyer information in Tickera > Attendees & Tickets
- Secure tickets download urls.
- Attendees & Tickets page: Initialize event filter options with 10 most recent events.
- Attendees & Tickets page: Additional “tc_init_event_filter_options” filter hook to modify event filter’s initial options.
- Permanently deleted events causing warning errors in Tickets Table. [Fixed] 11/03/2024
- Ability to render date input fields via ‘tc_owner_info_fields’ and ‘tc_buyer_info_fields’ hooks.
- Added Bridge For WooCommerce notification when WooCommerce and Tickera are active
- Added advert to themes page
- Additional “tc_cart_quantity_default_limit” filter hook. Default: 500
- Tickera > Tickets Types: Regular “Event Filter” select field to chosen field.
- Tickera > Attendees & Tickets: Regular “Event Filter” select field to chosen field. 24/01/2024
- Hide order details page’s rows via css. Added few more ids and classes.
- Remove Cancelled Orders From Stock (Tickera Standalone) opposite functionality issue. [Fixed]
- Attendees first and last name fields show as default.
- Attendees email and verification email hidden as default.
- Cart being emptied once the “minimum tickets per order” has been validated. [Fixed]
- Additional “tc_before_session_start” and “tc_after_session_started” for header modification.
- Ability to bulk remove old tickets. Tickera > Settings > Delete Info
- Send “Admin Order Completed Email Notification” (only if enabled) on manually updated order status. Tickera > Orders
- Additional “tc_tickets_table_email_before_table” and “tc_tickets_table_email_after_table” action hook to allow developers to dynamically insert content right before and after the tickets table sent via order email notification. Arguments: $order_id int, $tickets array, $columns array
- Allow anchor tag in payment page’s error container.
- Update PayTabs integration with Transaction API (Hosted Payment Pages).
- TC_Checkin_API class: Additional “ticket_id” and “ticket_type_id” arguments in “tc_available_checkins_per_ticket_field_name” filter hook.
- Checkin API: Additional “tc_checkin_custom_ticket_info” filter hook. Allow developer to insert additional details in the checkin app tickets list section.
- Admin Order Email Notification: Additional From email address field.
- Clearing out PHP8.2 deprecated errors. 11/12/2023
- Tickera Standalone: “Show cart menu” option no longer working. Tickera > Settings > General > Menu. [Fixed]
- PayU Latam Payment Gateway: Additional “Periodically confirm order status” option.
- Cart Page: Render the attendee’s fields not exceeding the maximum tickets per order.
- Apply “tc_ticket_table_email_columns” filter hook for “ORDER_DETAILS” email placeholder.
- Freemius only loading when there is no AJAX call 20/11/2023
- Disabling ticket download url nonce as it expires and causing issues in the email’s ticket download urls. 17/11/2023
- Bridge for Woocommerce: Disable click event for ‘Ticket – Add to Cart’ and ‘Event – Add to Cart’ blocks.
- Updates for Gutenberg Styles.
- Bridge for Woocommerce Gutenberg: Blocks that are using deleted product/ticket_type is causing critical error. [Fixed]
- Download ticket’s url nonce no longer working. [Fixed]
- Exclude failed checkins from the total checkins count. Currently used in checkinera and sales api.
- PayGate: Ability to set PayWeb version
- PayGate: PayWeb3 integration 12/10/2023
- Unwanted labels being displayed in the checkout page if the “Show Attendees Fields” is enabled while the First/Last names and emails are disabled. Options can be found at Tickera > Settings > General. [Fixed]
- Missing required fields in the checkout page. [Fixed] 10/10/2023
- Additional “Event Title” in checkin api tickets_info response.
- Checkin API: Ability to collect both tickets from Tickera standalone and Bridge for Woocommerce with the help of “tc_paid_post_statuses” and “tc_order_is_paid” filter hooks.
- Tickera Gutenberg Blocks: Disable event selector on current event.
- Order details Tickets Table: Event column discrepancy. [Fixed]
- Exclude Ticket Types that are currently used as seats from the Event’s Tickets Table.
- Checkin API: Additional “tc_ticket_checkin_ticket_type_event_id” filter. This will enable developers to collect ticket_type’s event_id either from Tickera Standalone or alongside Bridge for Woocommerce.
- Additional tc_lock_event_single_content to disable specific event information (e.g event date and location) from rendering. Currently used for block type themes.
- Additional “owner_index” argument for tc_owner_info_fields filter hook’s function renderer.
- Tickera > Events datepicker: Unable to click “Sunday” colum due to overlapping container. [Fixed]
- Additional “tc_common_payment_gateway_fields” sub_key argument to allow developer to alter payment gateway common fields.
- Custom Payment Methods: Additional $skip_confirmation_page class variable to skip confirmation page after successful payment process. 30/08/2023
- Void redirection if a request is coming from REST API.
- Additional “tc_cart_col_before_ticket_name” filter hook to modify ticket type name at Payment Summary page.
- A hook to Bridge for Woocommerce: Replace “tc_wb_allowed_tickets_access” with “tc_wb_maybe_send_attendee_order_completed_email”.
- Stripe Element 3D Secure: Additional security measures.
- Stripe: Upgraded API Version to 2023-08-16.
- Event page: Apply the admin notice generated by “Show tickets automatically” option on the “Event – Add to Cart” and “Ticket – Add to Cart” gutenberg builder blocks. 09/08/2023
- Additional “tc_bypass_redirection” filter hook to bypass redirection on builders preview.
- “The preview could not be loaded” notice appearing when editing tickera pages (e.g payment and process payment pages ) via Elementor Builder. [Fixed]
- Divi frontend and Tickera shortcode builder compatibility.
- Stripe Payment: Additional option to specify api version. Field name: API Version
- Attendees & Tickets: Replace “tc_extended_search_meta_keys” with “tc_tickets_instances_extended_search_meta_keys”.
- Attendees & Tickets: Additional “tc_tickets_instances_init_table_by_order_statuses” filter hook. Parameters: $order_statuses array
- Clearing TCPDF PHP8.1 Deprecated errors.
- Display response message after order confirmation resend email.
- API Key not generating on newly created/duplicated Events. [Fixed]
- Additional TICKET_CODE placeholder in “Attendee Order Completed Email”.
- Clearing checkin php errors for those deleted ticket types/orders.
- Disable auto generation of API on event with auto-draft status.
- Stripe Elements 3D Secure overlapping form issue. [Fixed] 05/07/2023
- Automatically create api key on duplicated events.
- Set error_reporting with E_ALL level if TC_DEBUG is defined. Otherwise, error_reporting inherit the default level.
- Site Health: PHP Session notice. [Fixed]
- Sortable Attendees & Tickets table.
- Updated Freemius SDK 06/06/2023
- Addition “tc_delete_pending_orders_ignore_gateway_classes” filter hook to allow developers to ignore a list of gateway classes in “Cancel Pending Orders”.
- Unable to “Add to cart” due to deprecated jquery function. [Fixed]
- Stripe library PHP 7.4 and 8.1 deprecated errors. [Fixed]
- Age restriction no longer working if Tickera is running alongside Bridge for Woocommerce and Attendees fields option is disabled. [Fixed]
- Incompatibility with Yoast SEO “Start SEO data optimization”. Error caused by the function result to cart page redirection. [Fixed]
- Disable autocomplete in quantity field in cart page.
- Additional “tc_extended_search_meta_keys” filter hook to extend filters in admin Attendees & Tickets.
- “Free Orders” payment method: “Automatic payment status” option not working on fresh installation. [Fixed]
- Gutenberg blocks/elements styles. Developer Mode (Tests in progress). 12/05/2023
- “Ticket Add to Cart” gutenberg blocks attributes “Price position”, “Button Type”, “Soldout Message” not rendering properly in frontend. [Fixed]
- Unable to insert additional space on cart buyer/owner fields values. [Fixed]
- Creating new event no longer generates API Access entry. [Fixed]
- Stripe library PHP 7.4 and 8.1 deprecated errors. [Fixed] 09/05/2023
- Disable show/hide postbox toggle in Tickera > Orders > Specific Order. Issue: caused the order details postbox missing without any visibility of the toggle.
- Payment Form (Frontend): Unclickable ‘Proceed to checkout’ button due to overlapped containers. [Fixed]
- tc_use_only_digit_order_number filter: ability to convert order id/name to only numbers. [Fixed]
- Additional $oder_id and $order_attendee_id arguments in “tc_order_completed_attendee_email_placeholder_values” filter.
- Additional “tc_style_css_th” to insert inline css for order details and tickets tables.
- Additional “tc_pdf_disable_ticket_filename_validation” filter. Ability to allow symbols in the filename. Default value: false.
- Additional “tc_after_attendee_info_updated” action to allow additional steps right after an attendee information (e.g first and last name) has been updated. Fields are currently located at Tickera > Orders
- Clearing Php warning error messages at Tickera > Orders.
- Gutenberg support for event post type.
- Compatibility with Remove Dashboard Access plugin
- Checkins API: tickets_info and event_essentials load tickets from Tickera Standalone and Bridge for Woocommerce separately.
- Unable to add/edit discount codes due to overlapping containers. Tickera > Discount Codes. [Fixed]
- Additional notice in event gutenberg builder. Notice to create ticket types on newly created events.
- ‘Event terms and condition field’ not working properly in Gutenberg builder. [Fixed]
- Additional ‘tc_track_order_after_confirmation’ action hook at order confirmation page. File: tickera/includes/templates/page-confirmation.php
- Corrupted Tickera > Settings > Payment Gateways causing Setting/Section name missing. [Fixed]
- Compliance for WP6.2
- Compatibility for PHP8.1
- Added wrapping div for some blocks 06/02/2023
- Unable to initiate Stripe Element 3D Secure Payment Gateway on some websites. [Fixed]
- Mobile responsiveness of Tickets/Events table on smaller screens.
- Gutenberg block elements: Update deprecated InspectorControls and serverSideRender.
- Additional security measures for CSRF attack.
- Breakdance builder compatibility issue due to unclosed output buffer. [Fixed]
- Tickera > Discount Codes: Hide “Add new discount code” form as default.
- Publish tickets once untrashed. 19/12/2022
- Compatibility issue with Themify Ultra v7.0.1. [Fixed]
- Additional security measures for CSRF attack. 14/12/2022
- Additional security measures when downloading tickets in frontend ( e.g order details page and emails ).
- Unable to skip Installation Wizard. [Fixed]
- Updated action hooks at general-functions.php @tc_get_tickets_table_email method. Removed: tc_table_column, tc_email_table_row. Added: tc_tickets_table_email_column_title_before_{column_id}, tc_tickets_table_email_column_title_after_{column_id}, tc_tickets_table_email_column_value_before_{column_id}, tc_tickets_table_email_column_value_after_{column_id}, tc_tickets_table_email_additional_row.
- Updated action hooks at general-functions.php @tc_get_order_details_email method. Added: tc_order_details_email_column_title_before_{column_id}, tc_order_details_email_column_title_after_{column_id}, tc_order_details_email_column_value_before_{column_id}, tc_order_details_email_column_value_after_{column_id}, tc_order_details_email_additional_row
- Updated action hooks at general-functions.php @tc_order_details_table_front method. Added: tc_order_details_table_front_column_title_before_{column_id}, tc_order_details_table_front_column_title_after_{column_id}, tc_order_details_table_front_column_value_before_{column_id}, tc_order_details_table_front_column_value_after_{column_id}, tc_order_details_table_front_additional_row
- Allow developer to insert additional information at event frontend page via “tc_the_content_pre” filter action.
- Disable “Attendee Order Completed Email” if “Show attendee fields” or “Show attendee email field” is disabled at Tickera > Settings > General.
- Ability to limit checkins per time basis. 24/11/2022
- Ticket Templates: Equal width across all columns (ticket elements).
- Ticket Templates: Extra top break line is being added as default at “Ticket Description Element”. [Fixed]
- Event Quantity Limitation: “Unlimited” value no longer works. [Fixed]
- Restoring order from trash keeps the associated ticket instances in draft, causing attendees’ tickets unavailable for download. [Fixed]
- JQuery Validation – Updated to v1.19.5
- Additional string translation for cart fields validation messages.
- Tickera > Settings > API Access: Unable to edit existing API Keys. [Fixed]
- Optimized Event Tickets – Shortcode (Dropdown type) 14/11/2022
- Additional “tc_barcode_element_label” filter in tickera > includes > ticket-elements > ticket_barcode_element.php file. Parameters: ticket code string, ticket instance object.
- Additional “Display Type” parameter in Event Tickets – Shortcode. Values: Table (Default) and Dropdown. Applied in both Tickera Standalone and alongside Bridge for Woocommerce.
- Additional $ticket_instance object argument in “tc_ticket_description_element” filter hook. This will allow developers to collect data directly from the tickets instances.
- Tickera > Settings > API Access: Hide API Key form as default.
- Shortcode builder “Event Tickets”: Hide Quantity Column Title as default. 28/09/2022
- Additional “force_download” parameter in tc_change_tcpdf_save_option filter hook. Previously fixed with “I” value.
- Coincide the additional field “Font Subset” from Tickera – Custom Ticket Template Fonts v1.0.9.
- Admin notices appearing in the frontend event pages regardless of the user status, logged in or out. [Fixed]
- Warning message “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent” appearing in cart and payment pages. [Fixed]
- Compatibility between ticket attachment filename and “Custom Ticket PDF filename” custom add-on. [Fixed]
- Tickera > Settings > Export PDF: Unable to export due to undefined errors. Occurs if “Show attendee fields” option is disabled. [Fixed]
- Tickera > Settings > Export PDF: Applied pagination. Can be modified with “tc_export_pdf_pagination_per_page” filter hook.
- Updated Freemius SDK 15/09/2022
- Unable to Check in tickets in Admin > Tickera > Attendees & Tickets > details page due to missing “API Key Checkin Form”. [Fixed]
- Unable to update “Show tickets automatically” and “Hide events after expiration” fields in Tickera > Events page. [Fixed]
- Exclude order fraud status as default in the ticket_sold shortcode output.
- Offline Payment: Empty “Payment Instruction” field while “Send Instruction via Email” is enabled causing mail error. [Fixed]
- In some cases $wpdb->update to change order status somehow not working on some websites. Applied additional logic to handle such cases.
- Paypal Standard payment method: IPN page error if Custom Form plugin is active. This error is currently causing order status stuck to order received. [Fixed] 05/09/2022
- Potential bug found in Attendees & Tickets that possibly overrides other WP_Query parameters. [Fixed]
- Automatically remove whitespaces from the cart fields values.
- Payment method: Create tickera order, only if requested transaction returns approved.
- Payment method: Updated form validation and error handling.
- Clear “WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly” error in payment summary page if is enabled.
- Additional tc_stripe_checkout_metadata filter hook in Stripe payment gateways. This will allow insertion of metadata in the Stripe payment intent.
- Clearing out php error at confirmation page if order doesn’t exists.
- Additional error handler in Stripe payment gateway. Ensures stripe_session_id and stripe_payment_intent meta are updated.
- Critical error appears in Tickets Template preview if using Barcode EAN type. Dummy value doesn’t meet the EAN requirements. [Fixed]
- Replaced tc_order_completed_admin_email_placeholders with tc_order_placed_admin_email_placeholders filter. Tickera > Settings > E-mail > Admin Order Placed Email
- Replaced tc_order_completed_admin_email_placeholder_values with tc_order_placed_admin_email_placeholder_values filter. Tickera > Settings > E-mail > Admin Order Placed Email
- Accordion effect in selecting payment method (Payment Page) not working properly. [Fixed]
- Visible jumping/interchanging of payment methods arrangement in payment page. [Fixed]
- Selected payment method (Payment Page) doesn’t expand once an error occur, requiring to be clicked. [Fixed]
- Stripe Payment Method: Invalid arguments error due to incorrect Stripe API Version. [Fixed]
- Additional error handler in Tickera > Discount Codes.
- Unable to adjust item quantity in cart page if Google translated. [Fixed]
- Authenticate cart form action/request in order to ensure post data is collected in the backend.
- Dashboard > Ticketing Store at a Glance Widget – Ticket Sold. [Fixed]
- Order notes is unresponsive if payment is done via Paypal Standard. [Fixed]
- Event/Tickets Table kept hidden once the Force Login option (Tickera > Settings > General) is reverted from Yes to No. [Fixed]
- Error notices not visible in the cart page in recent WordPress released. [Fixed]
- Scheduling a post for later publish disables the Event’s “Show tickets automatically” and “Hide event after expiration” options. [Fixed] 24/05/2022
- Unable to render Google Map element in Ticket Templates. [Fixed]
- Additional security patch applied in Ticket Templates.
- Additional validation for downloadable tickets based from order statuses. (e.g downloadable ticket links from email or from the website pages).
- Ability to hide tickets ineligible for check-in. Applies in Attendees & Tickets page. Option can be found at Tickera > Settings > General > Miscellaneous > “Hide tickets ineligible for check-in”
- Incorrect fee, tax and total values displaying in Tickera Standalone cart and checkout tables. Issue only occurs if there’s a plugin or theme that for some reasons renders shortcode multiple times on page load (e.g tc_cart and tc_payment). [Fixed]
- Clearing PHP error in Discount column under Tickera > Order page. [Fixed]
- Ability to apply tax before fees. New option in Tickera > Settings > General > Store Settings > Apply tax before fees.
- Incorrect applied discount code notification in cart page. [Fixed] 01/02/2022
- Assign color for order refunded status. Default: The same color with order received (Gray).
- Incorrect class assigned to order refunded status in Tickera > Order table. [Fixed]
- Freemius SDK update 15/02/2022
- Long Field label of a Custom Form overlapping Ticket Elements in Tickera > Ticket Templates. [Fixed]
- Added Compatibility with Custom Form v1.2.5.5 for additional “Label” form element.
- Newly created ticket type with zero quantity is currently considered as “unlimited” instead of “Out of stock”. [Fixed]
- Unable to save html/css styles in Payment Gateways WP Editor fields. [Fixed]
- Set “Event Quantity Limitation” default value to “Unlimited”.
- Missing Tickera’s “Settings” action link in plugins page. [Fixed]
- Broken Tickera’s “Add-Ons” page when redirecting from the plugins page. [Fixed]
- Allow anchor/html tags in Event’s “Location” field.
- Ticket(s) column in order page showing incorrect event x qty. Issue occurs if a ticket type is reassigned with another event. [Fixed]
- Ability to utilize “Additional CSS” option in Tickera’s Gutenberg blocks/shortcode. 13/12/2021
- Link Type – Buy Now attribute in “Event Tickets” shortcode not redirecting automatically to cart page. [Fixed]
- Unable to translate Check-in apps using “Tickera Check-in App Translation”. [Fixed]
- Newly created ticket type with zero quantity not showing out of stock in the frontend. [Fixed] 09/12/2021
- Fixed issue with Checkinera app license check (for certain license keys) – Checkinera 1.3.1 or higher version required
- Adjusted the minimum font size of the Ticket Template Element from 8pt to 6pt.
- Order Email Notifications unable to process Cc header. [Fixed]
- Unable to save Event speakers add-on fields. [Fixed]
- “Skip Payment Page” option not working (Tickera > Settings > General > Store Settings). [Fixed] 30/11/2021
- Independently display Age Confirmation field regardless if “Show Attendee Fields” is enabled or disabled.
- Missing Tickera Gutenberg Blocks if Bridge for WooCommerce is active. [Fixed] 30/11/2021
- Stripe Element 3D Secure stuck on loading if “Send Receipt” option is enabled. [Fixed]
- Missing Tickera blocks/components in gutenberg editor. [Fixed]
- Unnecessary Ticket’s headers appearing in checkout page if “Show attendee fields” option is disabled. [Fixed]
- Unable to proceed to checkout if one of the custom form fields is set as optional. [Fixed] 24/11/2021
- Missing Order Tickets Seats IDs. Only occurs when attendees field is disabled in the frontend. [Fixed]
- Some Html entities not properly rendered in frontend ( appears after the released of v3.4.8.5 ). [Fixed]
- Tickera Widgets compatibility with WordPress v5.8 22/11/2021
- Events not hidden even when expired ( only applicable if option “Show events on the front page” is enabled ). Option can be found at “General > Miscellaneous > Show events on the front page”. 15/11/2021
- Additional fields validation in Cart and Checkout pages.
- Clear out empty html tags from Cart and Checkout pages DOM.
- Confirmation message before emptying the cart.
- Unaligned fields in cart and checkout pages. [Fixed]
- Missing checkout button if Free Payment Method is activated with zero total cart. [Fixed]
- Missing API Keys in “Attendees & Tickets” Check-in List page. [Fixed]
- Optimized Data Sanitization and Escaping
- Removed the possible security flaws
- Added new Freemius SDK 08/10/2021
- Additional option for Stripe Element 3D Secure Gateway to enable/disable Curl Persistent Connection. Setting the option to yes ( as default ) will help maximize the checkout performance.
- Ticket template’s “Custom Image/Logo” element returns critical error if emptied. [Fixed]
- Additional logic in the backend that will allow custom sizes for the Ticket Templates. This can be achieved with Tickera’s existing hooks. ( e.g filter tc_document_paper_size )
- Fixed XSS vulnerability with the buyer info fields 09/08/2021
- A javascript ( cart.js ) error appearing in the browser console that might potentially prevents a checkout process to complete. Appears whenever there’s a plugin conflict. [Fixed]
- Bridge for Woocommerce: Unable to proceed Woocommerce Checkout when Tickera field “Age Confirmation” is enabled while “Show Owner Fields” is disabled. [Fixed]
- Fixed issue with CSS update notification display
- Gutenberg “Event – Add to Cart” shortcode not rendering in the admin page. [Fixed]
- Empty Order Confirmation Page. [tc_order_confirmation] shortcode unable to return data. [Fixed]
- QR Code not printing in Attendee’s Ticket. [Fixed] 02/06/2021
- Additional “tc_ticket_template_element_font_size” hook for Ticket Template Elements font size.
- Cleanup extra spaces that causes misalignment of fields in checkout page.
- Ability to check-out tickets. Can be activated globally or per individual tickets. 31/03/2021
- Compatibility issue between Tickera’s shortcode and Elementor Builders. [Fixed]
- Ticket Template: When setting up an element’s top/bottom padding with zero values, it persistently creates 1 line break. Should be no line break. [Fixed]
- Undefined variables appearing in Seating Chart’s frontend pages when its shortcode is loaded via gutenberg. [Fixed]
- Paypal Standard Gateway: Some response data is no longer returned by Paypal which also caused checkout unable to proceed to confirmation page. [Fixed] 10/03/2021
- PHP Error when shortcode loaded via WP Gutenberg. Appears when loaded with Bridge for Woocommerce. [Fixed]
- PHP Error appearing when using barcode element in the ticket template. [Fixed]
- PHP Deprecated Error: Required parameter follows optional parameter. A Compliance to PHP7.3, 7.4, 8.0
- Unable to create Ticket PDF due to PHP Deprecated Error. A Compliance to PHP7.3, 7.4, 8.0
- API Access: Intermittent attendees’ list order. [Fixed]
- Checkout process: Incorrect discounted total value after receiving a session error. [Fixed]
- Unable to view/download attendees pdf when server is running PHP 7.4.14 [Fixed]
- Compatibility issue between Woocommerce and Tickera “Stripe Payment Gateway” Webhook Endpoint. [Fixed]
- Additional checkout buyer/owner fields backend validation.
- Additional error handing for Stripe Payment Gateway.
- Tickera together with Themes using wp_cache_flush() were causing every new menu items to revert to “custom link”. [Fixed]
- Installation Wizard error in WordPress 5.6.1. [Fixed]
- WordPress Compliance: Replacing deprecated JQuery shorthand methods. 22/12/2020
- Ability to restrict API Access by Event Category. Page: Tickera > Settings > API Access
- Event Quantity Limit: Adjusted to base the calculation from Paid, Received and Fraud Order Statuses
- Fixed issue with the date select calendar not showing properly with the WordPress 5.6 24/11/2020
- Bug fixed: “There was an issue determining where Barcode Reader is installed.” 23/11/2020
- Stripe payment gateway: update payment intent with an existing customer.
- Stripe payment gateway: Webhook marked as failed regardless it succeeded or not. [Fixed]
- Paytabs payment gateway unable to proceed to order confirmation page. [Fixed]
- Ability to update order ticket instances: Applicable only when an order status is not yet paid. [Fixed]
- Ability to update order ticket instances: Missing event quantity limit validation. [Fixed]
- Multiple events in one API …