Plugin Tag: disable
EDD Disable Purchase Receipt
(0 total ratings)Disables the standard purchase receipt sent to the customer
Disable WP Core Updates Advance
(1 total ratings)Disable all your WordPress core updates on plugin activation.
Disable Drop Cap
(1 total ratings)A plugin to disable drop cap option in the Gutenberg editor block editor paragraph block
Remove Website URL Field From Comment Form
(3 total ratings)This plugin allows administrators to globally disable the URL/Website input field from the WordPress inbuilt comments form on their site.
Disable Downloadable Repeat Purchase – WooCommerce + WPML
(2 total ratings)For WooCommerce. Disable the ability for logged in users to purchase items they already own that are downloadable.
Hide Language Switcher
(0 total ratings)Hides language switcher feature from login screens introduced in WordPress 5.9
Stop Auto Updating Dangit
(0 total ratings)This plugin simply stop WordPress from automatically updating for you.
Disable WP All Updates Advance
(2 total ratings)Disable all your WordPress updates on plugin activation that includes WordPress core, themes and plugins.
Disable User
(1 total ratings)Sometime you just want to disable any user without having to delete his account permanently. This plugin allows you to disable any user from logging i …
Off Your Site
(2 total ratings)Temporarily disable webste display to users using Off Your Site plugin.
Prevent Users From Deleting Post and Pages
(2 total ratings)This plugin prevents users from deleting pages, posts and custom post types.
Disable Styles & Scripts
(5 total ratings)Disable selected plugin (and/or theme) styles and scripts. Set conditions which will be evaluated.
Auto Category
(0 total ratings)When assigning a sub-category to a post, wordpress treats it as a separate category with no relation to the mother category.
LAPDI Disable Autosave
(1 total ratings)Disable Autosave prevents WordPress from automatically saving duplicate copies of posts while editing.
NHR Hide Admin Notice | WP Dashboard Notice Cleaner
(0 total ratings)Hide all unwanted notices and keep your dashboard clean.
Default Classic Editor
(2 total ratings)Enables the previous "classic" editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports all plugins that extend thi …
Bloat Buster – A Simple Plugin To Kill Off Bloat
(2 total ratings)A super simple plugin to remove unnecessary bloat from your WordPress site.