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Insight Metrics – Intergrate Google Analytics – GA4 to WordPress

This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Insight Metrics – Intergrate Google Analytics – GA4 to WordPress


Integrate Google Analytics (GA) into your website for advanced tracking and insights. With this plugin you can intergrate Google Analytics and monitor website traffic, user behavior, and performance, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to improve your online presence.

GA Analytics Mode

These setting allows you to select the preferred mode for integrating Google Analytics tracking code into your WordPress website.


Find documents, FAQs, and comprehensive details on Insight Metrics over at justwebtime.com. Should you hit a dead end searching the FAQs or available documentation, explore the support forum on WordPress.org. If your query doesn’t align with existing topics, take the initiative to create a new one for it.


When you use this plugin as it comes, it doesn’t:

  • track users without permission;
  • store your private details to the database;
  • share information elsewhere;
  • use cookies for its functions.

But on activating and using this plugin. This plugin integrates with Google Analytics, a third-party service, to provide website analytics and tracking functionalities. The integration involves adding Google Analytics tracking code to the header or footer of WordPress sites to collect data on website traffic and user behavior.

Third-Party Service Details:

Please review the service’s terms of use and privacy policy to understand how your data is handled when using this plugin. Your use of this service is subject to the terms and policies provided by Google Analytics.


  • Plugin Settings Page


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Contributors & Developers

“Insight Metrics – Intergrate Google Analytics – GA4 to WordPress” is oopbron sagteware. Die volgende mense het bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van hierdie uitbreiding:




Removed Universal Analytics ID field.


Design changes and a tag target _blank addition.


Include logged-in users bug fix.


Initial release.